Friday, May 31, 2019

A Closer Look At Cryptography Essay -- Writing Cryptography History Pa

A Closer Look At CryptographyEver since the earlier days of writing, people have had reasons to limit their information to a restricted group of people. Because of this, these people have had to develop ideas of making their information unable to be read by unwanted people. The general techniques used to hide the meaning of inwardnesss constitute the study known as cryptography. Ciphers, in general fall into deuce-ace major classifications 1. Concealment Cipher, 2. Transposition Cipher, and 3. Substitution Cipher (4). Cryptography protects information by altering its form, making it unreadable to unwanted people or groups of people.Cryptography, from the classic kryptos, meaning hidden, and graphei, meaning to write. The origins of secret writing can be traced back nearly four millennia to the hieroglyphic writing system of the Egyptians. References to cryptography are in like manner made in the bible.One of the oldest known examples is the Spartan scytale Plutarch tells how Laced aemonian generals exchanged messages by winding narrow ribbons of parchment spirally around a cylindrical staff. The message was then inscribed on the parchment. When the ribbon was unwound, the writing could be read only by the person who had a cylinder of exactly the same size, upon which to rewind it, so that the letters would reappear in their normal order (5).During the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, interest in cryptography was very high. It was the custom in those days for key people, such as Mary of Stuart, the Charles I and II, and the Georges, to have private ciphers. During the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, cryptology played a major role in the military, especially in WWI and WWII, because the sec... ...rom the National Energy Supply to Fort Knox. This is a fairly similar situation to that of WWI and WWII, in that whoever has control of the other sides information, is in control of the war. I also think the challenge of trying to brea k someone elses codes, a game of sorts, is very interesting.Works Cited1. History of the Enigma. Russell Schwager. 18 Nov. 1998. < (12/8/99).2. The History of the German Enigma. Lech Maziakowski. 4 Dec. 1997. < (12/8/99).3. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman). Fred Hazan and Frank Rundatz.4 Dec. 1999. < http// (12/ 10/99).4. Gaines, Helen Fouche. Crytanalysis. New York Dover, 1956.5. Smith, Laurence Dwight. Cryptography. New York Dover, 1955.6. Peer proofreader Adam Fackler

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Pearl :: essays research papers

The Pearl PrequelIt was a dark and stormy night ... no thats not it. It was a delightful glad day ... not it either. Could it be uhh... On that rainy day whenthe sea would not quit, the sky growled and men shuttered in their huts. Thatsit Well directly that I seem to temporarily regained my memory Ill tell you thestory of that dire season of the garner conference. Whats that you dontknow what the collect conference is You see it is a age when the oysters ofthe world gather together in their respective clans and decide who sh exclusively carrythe pearl of power. These pearls are no ordinary pearls. They were not made byan oyster save were forged by the pillar. This pillar was the giver of powerbefore the pestilence of man arrived. Now the pillar does not exist imputable to the heedlessness of man. To keep order among the oysters they gathered all thepearls forged by the pillar and cursed them so that if man found single in the draw oyster it would destroy the finder and find its way back to the sea.This conference I told you about is a great as well as horrible aim for all the oysters. Triumph and defeat lurks around all corners. Thecontending oysters must run the test and those standing at the end must do it once again until one oyster stands. This was the first time in history that more thanthree tests had to be run. It came down to Chuck the clan favorite and Tinagelthe outcast. Finally with a circumstantial cheating and a lot of dishonesty Chuck tookthe pearl to gain its power till the coming year when he would relinquish pick up of the pearl. Tintagel knew this event but was jealous and devised a planto steal the pearl by poisoning Chuck. The next few days Tintagel spentcarefully concourse all the equipment and materials hed need to complete hisplan. Then after his materials were gathered he mixed and organized them inperfect blend. He had them delivered to Chuck and unknowingly took the poison. in that location was but a single fact overlooked by Tintagel and that was the power of thepearl. Instead of killing Chuck it made him diseased and mentally insane. Hestarts to gulf himself from reality. Oysters arrive to fear him. Perturbedby what he has done Tintagel leaves the colony which means certain death and isnever heard from again. Meanwhile back at the evoke mas killin bump off da injunsThe Pearl essays research papers The Pearl PrequelIt was a dark and stormy night ... no thats not it. It was abeautiful sunny day ... not it either. Could it be uhh... On that rainy day whenthe sea would not quit, the sky growled and men shuttered in their huts. Thatsit Well now that I seem to temporarily regained my memory Ill tell you thestory of that horrible season of the oyster conference. Whats that you dontknow what the oyster conference is You see it is a time when the oysters ofthe world gather together in their respective clans and decide who shall carrythe pearl of power. These pearls are no ordinary pearls. They were not made byan oyster but were forged by the pillar. This pillar was the giver of powerbefore the pestilence of man arrived. Now the pillar does not exist due to thecarelessness of man. To keep order among the oysters they gathered all thepearls forged by the pillar and cursed them so that if man found one in theleader oyster it would destroy the finder and find its way back to the sea.This conference I told you about is a great as well as horribleexperience for all the oysters. Triumph and defeat lurks around all corners. Thecontending oysters must run the test and those standing at the end must do itagain until one oyster stands. This was the first time in history that more thanthree tests had to be run. It came down to Chuck the clan favorite and Tinagelthe outcast. Finally with a little cheating and a lot of dishonesty Chuck tookthe pearl to gain its power till the coming year when he would relinquishcontrol of the pearl. Tintagel knew this fact but was jealous and devised a plan to steal the pearl by poisoning Chuck. The next few days Tintagel spentcarefully gathering all the equipment and materials hed need to complete hisplan. Then after his materials were gathered he mixed and organized them inperfect blend. He had them delivered to Chuck and unknowingly took the poison.There was but a single fact overlooked by Tintagel and that was the power of thepearl. Instead of killing Chuck it made him diseased and mentally insane. Hestarts to disconnect himself from reality. Oysters begin to fear him. Perturbedby what he has done Tintagel leaves the colony which means certain death and isnever heard from again. Meanwhile back at the farm mas killin off da injuns

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Monopolies Must be Eliminated in America :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Monopolies Must be Eliminated in America In this day and age, competition (to a certain extent) is considered healthy and, in many instances, encouraged. Every day, adults and teenagers alike struggle to outdo other well-qualified applicants in the job market. Even children as young as four long time old can be found competing on the little league field. As one can see, competition is an integral part of everyday invigoration however, what happens when competition ceases to exist? It wouldnt be very ch all in allenging or rewarding if an applicant received every job for which he applied. And a child wouldnt enjoy playing baseball against himself. Even though it is hard to imagine a world without competition, there are a number of American media businesses that have no or relatively little competition in the market. In the best interest of the public, monopolies, as these competition-less companies are called, need to be eliminated immediately. accord to Ben H. Bagdikian, monopo lies form for two main reasons money and influence. It is common sense that the company with a very large number of consumers is going to produce more tax revenue than the small, independently owned business with a lesser number of customers. The advertising agency Backer Spielvogel Bates recently conducted a four-year study of 2,746 companies. This study showed that the companies with 1.5 times the gross sales of their nearest challengers were 52 percent more cost-effective. Also, it is important to recognize the fact that influence also plays a key role in the motives of monopolistic companies. It is believed that if a certain company can have a marked influence over the publics news, ideas and culture, then this corporation will have a much better chance of wielding a significant amount of influence over the public concerning government issues. If this certain media company can manipulate all public ideas and information, it only makes sense that this business will also make a considerable difference when it comes to political news (Bagdikian 1997). I agree with Bagdikian when he states that monopolies form due to a want for money and a need for power by influencing the public. It is an undeniable fact that money and power influence plenty in numerous ways. In an attempt to be the best, I believe that many companies simply came to the conclusion that they would have to crush any attempts that were made by a competing company.

jacksonian :: essays papers

jacksonianAlthough the flood waters of poverty, unemployment, and famine known as the Great Depression began to recede under Hoovers administration, it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his administration who precept to the retreat of the destitute ways of life that had enveloped the nation. When FDR took office, he intended to change the administration in order to include help for the plight of the forgotten globe. He had a plan for the change known as the sunrise(prenominal) Deal. Roosevelts New Deal programs aimed at three Rs - relief, recovery, and reform. Also, through his New Deal programs, one can see all he did during the Depression to relieve suffering and jump start the economy.In the New Deal program, Roosevelt had short and long - range goals. One of his initial short-range goals was relief - especially in the first 100 years. At the time of Roosevelts inauguration, one out of every four people was unemployed. Since FDR was intent upon ending human suffering first and foremost, he decided to be open near using federal money to aid the unemployed. With the okay from FDR, the Hundred Days Congress passed much legislation in order to help in the first short range goal - to give immediate relief. In 1933, Congress created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which provided employment in fresh - air government camps for about 3 million uniformed young men. Their work included reforestation, fire fighting, flood control, and swamp drainage. Also new in 1933 was the Federal compulsion Relief Act (FERA). It was the first major effort of Congress to deal with the unemployed adults, and its chief purpose was immediate relief rather than long-range recovery. oppositewise legislation passed by Congress included the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), and Civil Works Administration (CWA).Roosevelts other short - term goal, recovery, was also off to a good start in the first 100 days of FDRs adminis tration. There were many legislative acts passed by Congress in order to allow for a quick recovery for the nation. The two best examples of recovery in the first 100 days would be the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which allowed the president to regulate banking transactions and foreign exchange and to reopen solvent banks, and the National industrial Recovery Act. The National Industrial Recovery Act, which created the National Recovery Administration (NRA), designed to assist industry, labor, and the unemployed, and the Public Works Administration (PWA), intended for industrial recovery, as well as unemployment relief.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Art Analysis Paper :: essays research papers

Art Analysis PaperThe first painting analyzed was North orbit Idyll by Arthur Bowen Davis. The central point was the white naked woman. The white was used to bring her out and focus on the four actual bleached males surrounding her. The woman appears to be blowing a kiss. There is use of stumato along with atmospheric perspective. There is excellent use of color for the setting. It is almost a breeding like painting. This painting has smooth brush strokes. The sailing ship is the focal point because of the bright blue with extravagant large sails. The painting is a change textured flat paint. The painting is evenly balanced. When I look at this painting, it reminds me of settlers coming to a new world that is be founded by its beauty. It seems as if they swam from the ship. The instant painting was by George W. Bellows and named Shoghead. This painting brought a smell out of ease and relaxation. I can picture myself on the top of the mountain listening to the waves scatter o n the sides. The open countryside topped by the clouds give the painting a sense of realism. The extremely bright blue water stands out the most, though the focal point is not clear. There is not an excessive use of paint. It is as if Bellows caked it on his brush and made quick short strokes. The use of much(prenominal) dark colors on the hill is a mystery. The terrain has a roughness that makes the painting come to life. The artist did a great job of showing the depth. If I had to guess, he was influenced by Picassos work because of the extensive use of thick point. The third painting was by Julian Story and it was called American Born in England. It was a battle painting. The black prince stands out as the focal point. It is the center of the painting and brings notice to the way the other knights are dressed. The Black Knight (the Prince of Wales) stands ascendant King John, who is blind. King John wanted to be in the battle for his country. The background (depth) is shown in the distance by atmospheric perspective. There is a sense of honor in the knight for the king. There is a great use of color. The painting is very life like. The picture seems to come to life, making me feel as if I were part of the painting

Art Analysis Paper :: essays research papers

Art Analysis PaperThe first painting analyzed was North Country Idyll by Arthur Bowen Davis. The focal point was the color naked woman. The white was used to bring her out and focus on the four actual colored males surrounding her. The woman appears to be blowing a kiss. in that respect is use of stumato along with atmospheric perspective. There is excellent use of color for the setting. It is almost a life like painting. This painting has smooth brush strokes. The glide ship is the focal point because of the bright blue with extravagant large sails. The painting is a dry textured flat paint. The painting is evenly balanced. When I look at this painting, it reminds me of settlers coming to a new world that is be founded by its beauty. It seems as if they swam from the ship. The second painting was by George W. Bellows and named Shoghead. This painting brought a sense of ease and relaxation. I can picture myself on the top of the mountain listening to the waves crash on the sides. The open countryside topped by the clouds flag the painting a sense of realism. The extremely bright blue water stands out the most, though the focal point is not clear. There is not an profuse use of paint. It is as if Bellows caked it on his brush and made quick short strokes. The use of such dark colors on the hill is a mystery. The terrain has a roughness that makes the painting come to life. The artist did a great job of showing the depth. If I had to guess, he was influenced by Picassos work because of the spacious use of thick point. The third painting was by Julian Story and it was called American Born in England. It was a battle painting. The black prince stands out as the focal point. It is the center of the painting and brings notice to the way the other knights are dressed. The Black Knight (the Prince of Wales) stands overlooking King John, who is blind. King John wanted to be in the battle for his country. The background (depth) is shown in the distance by atmosphe ric perspective. There is a sense of honor in the knight for the king. There is a great use of color. The painting is very life like. The picture seems to come to life, making me feel as if I were part of the painting

Monday, May 27, 2019

Secretary: Law and Legal Secretaries

When people hear the word Secretary Im pretty sure they picture mortal behind a desk typing. Yes, this is pretty accurate but a Secretary in whatever field is so much more (and one can indeed overhaul much time running between their desk and any multitude of places ). I remember learning a spelling mnemonic of sorts at school that Secretaries advance the secrets. Now I realise its perhaps more to do with the words derivatives but its stuck with meHaving finished a Legal Secretaries Level 3 Diploma course in which I have an overall grade of a Merit, I have found myself privy to these secrets and the opportunity I wanted to expand and specialise my skills in an administrative field. It has given me a goal, having not taken the most direct job path. It can be difficult to find the right next footfall to take in your working life. Law is a fascinating arena, even more so backstage.It might at times seem to be a far cry from the drama of the court room but without Legal Secretaries d oing their part to make a difference with their input in the office, which affects the Solicitor who passes that set onto the client, all aiming to reach the desired result, Im not quite sure what would happen. Sometimes I think it takes an organiser, an administrator or a (Legal) Secretary to understand another(prenominal) it takes one to know one.The day to day achievements can be small, but by getting a complex subject filed comprehensively, simply giving someone the assurance that their enquiry is being meeted at correctly or preparing someone thoroughly for a meeting, you in turn ensure that the client is getting the outdo service possible (even though you may not be attending that meeting in person). These are things that I already do but in the sphere of law they become magnified what starts as small, indirect input evolves into an integral part of the law process.That is quite something to be part of and I look forward to it. Within my reception use of goods and servic es, I have had over 2 years of part-time work experience of dealing with clients and solicitors in an office environment. My role included answering the phone, getting personal details from callers and transferring to the appropriate member of staff. I learned to be patient, methodical and efficient. Flexibility is one of my strengths I am in like manner prepared to learn new skills. I have extensive experience of using computers.I have experience of Microsoft and Microsoft Excel in which I passed exams. I have used Word to produce documents such as letters, posters and minutes. I am able to prioritise my workload. Being flexible, I also have a positive attitude. This was particularly evident at The Broadcast Monitoring where I was able to concentrate all day even when working an early dayspring shift which began at 6. 30am. I also undertook nightshift to cover for staff on holiday. I work well under pressure. There were many deadlines throughout the day.This also involved good w ritten and verbal communication skills which were required when report writing and dealing with colleagues. I have found that I am able to build up close working relationships with other members of staff most recently at my time in Chipatiso Associates (I can appreciate client confidentiality). I am a good organiser and am able to work on my own initiative. I was efficient at delegating the department workload at the Solicitors firm. I have an editorial/press reader eye for detail. I am polite and reliable, trustworthy and conscientious.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What dreams and visions motivate the characters of “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck?

No matter how well we pattern the proximo, things often go wrong. Of Mice and Men, a briskla by fanny Steinbeck, highlights the despair and misfortune of the American citizens in the 1930s. Following the collapse of the New York Wall Street stock market, the US entered a prolonged period of stinting depression. During this period of failed business, harsh poverty and long-term unemploy handst, thousands of migrant workers came to California in search for work.In attempts to escape the dust bowl (a series of droughts and failed crops) workers migrated west, but to find themselves in no better state slaving in ranches from day to day, poorly paid, poorly fed with nothing to loose but their hopes of pursuing The American Dream and indeed, as Steinbeck illustrates, these hopes can be lost. Having lived and experienced this lifetimestyle, Steinbeck presents his views of high community in the 1930s in the form of the characters of this book. He shows that the simplest elements of ide ntity can be the reason of the shattering of ones daydream.The luxuries of The Promised fine-tune, the dream of being rescued of fear and loneliness and the desire to live a quick life are but visions of a supernatural future for the characters of this novel. Loneliness is a common quality that a ranch- hand would possess, however, weather or not it is an advantage can be argued. In the 1930s, Workers were never in one place long enough to even make friends these men would grow impassive and often set aside their ambitions. Characters like Carlson and Wit piss no emotional depth they are not touched or motivated by anything.Steinbeck doesnt describe Carlsons feelings, but instead just the charge he is thick-bodied. Carlsons first conversation in this book is one where he plots to kill Candys dog. Here we immediately recognise Carlsons indifferent nature. He is one of the best survivors at the ranch because of this he wastes no time in planning out dreams for himself. Steinbeck uses Carlsons character to model a typical ranch- hand, loneliness a key for his survival. However, in contrast to Carlson, Lennie and George are the main(prenominal) pursuers of the American dream.Their vision of their future motivates them every day and has be trace the reason and main influence of their decisions. Together, George and Lennie carefully plan their dream and work hard on the ranch to earn money for their future. George has repeated their plan to Lennie so many times that Lennie has actually learnt the dream stumble by heart. George tells Lennie of how they are each going to get what they want George freedom and Lennie gets to tend the rabbits. The two characters believe that each cannot seek their dream alone.Evidently, George says, We got somebody to public lecture to that gives a damn about us ecause I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you, and for Lennie especially, it has been the main reason for their survival. The recollection of this d ream is met several times throughout the novel. This shows that even the weakest of people can be stimulated by the image of their perfect life. Even George, though he seems quite tough, weakens when he visualises their future, his voice becomes deeper when he tells the dream and he repeats his words rhythmically as though he had said them many times before.Steinbecks use of linguistic process here convey Georges feelings, his rhythmic tone and deep voice suggest that he is in an almost trance- like mode, fantasising about his dream. This is very ironic however, visual perception that George actually ends this vision himself. He prevents his own dream from coming or ever being able to come true. There is a strong moral-thread in this story, generally identified as the concern for the underdog. Steinbeck sympathises with any out of the normal character, weather physically or mentally disabled, racially or sexually different, divers(prenominal) people in the 1930s were considered ou tcasts.Crooks for instance, both physically disabled and of a different (inferior) race, illustrates the social pressure that is cast upon those in his condition. He represents Steinbecks thoughts and what he thinks of life for these men. Like Crooks, Steinbeck sees dreams as useless fantasies, this is shown by the fact that Crooks does not actually have existing dreams, he is well aware that dreams will never come true for men like them disabled, poor, black. Through the years, Crooks has come to his senses, he has realised that his race is a huge obstacle which impasses between himself and his happiness.Crooks illustrates the need of a partner in order to be able to dream. He only asteriskts to dream when he is around other characters. Being left out and snub has driven Crooks to separate himself from the biotic community, disabling him from planning any dreams. He whined, A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Here Steinbeck blames the social attitudes, we pity Crooks by the way he whines telling us how his dreams have almost been beaten out of him and which now have been reduced to memories.In contrast, George and Lennies dream represents ones success if accompanied by a partner. This dream was the closest to becoming true as there seemed to be no faults in it. However, when Lennie dies, the dream becomes impossible to achieve. Perhaps like Crooks, this dream will become but a memory to George. Crooks memories of his childhood mirror George, Lennie and Candys dream, both similar in the way they were based on being free, happy and being around people The American Dream. Also, both dreams similarly extinguished due to the effects of the people around them.When Lennie dies, Georges dream becomes extinct, likewise, Crooks dreams end when he is separated from his family, left with no motivation, ambition or vision to look forward to every day. This injustice, however, might be seen beneficial to some characters. For example, at the ranch, Curley has the s peed hand power, money and a married woman. This is because, the prejudice society of the 1930s allowed offenders like Curley to take advantage of less valued people, enjoying some benefits of the American Dream at the expense of the weaker characters.Another view would be that on the contrary, Curley, though mighty and powerful demonstrates the suffering caused by prejudice. He is silenced when a weaker character, Lennie, takes a stand (when Lennie crushed Curleys hand). Steinbeck shows yet another dream shattered when justice starts to appear. At Lennies shooting, George is more pitied because his dream is not fulfilled, and now he has to live with the same ill fortune and solitude Crooks endures. Georges voice was almost a whisper. Again, a dream extinguished, showing that justice has no place in this society.Steinbeck shows Georges helplessness, how this was beyond his control and how this is how things should end. Obstacles in this novel are never overcome they are barriers separating fantasy from authenticity. Lennies obstacle in this story is clearly his mental disability. He places himself in problematic situations which in echo pull him further away from his dream. An example of this is that when he kills Curleys wife, Curley becomes determined to seek revenge and kill Lennie which disables the latter from fulfilling his dream.However, Lennie is not aware of his actions, he simply lives by what George trains him to do, motivated by the vision George has built for him, looking forward to tending his beloved rabbits. He does not understand what obstacles are and does not see the ones he faces. When Curleys wife dies, Curley is only determined to seek revenge, like Carlson, Curley has become a lonely man with no ambitions. He worked himself into a fury this clearly shows how Curley has also become impassive and insensitive, the same way Carlson is, the same way George will be when he loses Lennie.Moreover, Lennies death shatters Candys dream too. Ca ndys hopes of a better life rebuild (as do Crooks) when he meets Lennie, he starts planning and preparing himself as if he was to relive his life again He just sets in the bunk house sharpening his pencils and sharpening and enumeration Candy is very enthusiastic about this dream, he has always found that his age and physical disability have prevent him from having a happy ending. He knows that, just like his disused dog, he will be gotten rid of because he is of no use anymore.There is a pattern here which Steinbeck emphasises he tells us that the strong and admirable will never have a happy ending at the ranch. Candys brilliant sheepdog was shot because he became old and useless, Candy is going to be thrown out of the barn for the same reason and Slim is predicted to end up this way too. Your position in the community depends on how much you are accepted by society, which is based on cultural attitudes. It is ironic how Candy is helpless due to his old age whilst Curleys wifes helplessness is due to her young age.Steinbeck hints at prejudice here which is purely societys model man against the other types of people. Women, for instance were meant to be seen and not heard. They seemed to have no rights. Curleys wife is an example of this prejudiced idea. She is expected to stay at home and entertain her husband, regardless of her desires. No one cares about her ambitions to be a movie star or her longing for company. Even her mother tried to prevent her from achieving her goals because it was clear that women were weaker and less outspoken because of their sex.Curleys wife is a highly ambitious character, she says that she wants to make something of herself, she valued to be like in the movies rich, famous and glamorous. Her attempts to fulfil her wishes backfire on her every time. She was disrespected and called a tart when she merely tried to find company. This is ironic as the ranch hands repeatedly talk about going to the cat house and having a hell of a lot of fun. This illustrates the way women were considered property, men could think of them as they liked.They were not to have dreams but if they did their dreams were known not to have come true, simply because they are women. Of Mice and Men is indeed a tragic story of how prejudice, racism, sexism and intolerance of the weak prevented people from achieving their dreams. In this novella Steinbeck demonstrates the disturbing effects of rejecting those who are not seen worthy enough in the community. He blames society and, as I see it, mainly the physically and mentally strong white men for perpetuating with this concept.These men are even blamed for their own hapless ways of life, they are the reason no one can achieve The American Dream because the weaker beings are part of this dream too. Steinbeck shows us how society is the main influence on peoples lives. If one is not accepted in society, then their hopes and dreams will perish despite the injustice and immorality it ma y bring. He disgraces society for its prejudice ways and holds it responsible for the suffering of all of its members, weak or strong.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Discuss the importance of dreams in the play Essay

Arthur Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 February 10, 2005) was an American bidwright, essayist and author. He was a prominent figure in American literature and cinema for over 61 years, writing a wide variety of plays. Miller was born into a moderately-wealthy Jewish family in wise York City. His father, Isidore Miller, was a ladies-wear manufacturer and shopkeeper who was ruined in the Great Depression. His mother, Augusta, was a housewife who valued literature and education. His sister, Joan became an actress.Death of a Salesman is a 1949 play by Arthur Miller and is one of his almost famous and commonly revived works. Viewed by many as the American Dream of achieving wealth and success, Death of a Salesman make both Arthur Miller and the character Willy Loman household names. Some of the other titles Miller considered for the play were The Inside of His Head and A Period of Grace. The American Dream is the credence held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage, and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself, ordinarily through financial prosperity.These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to subsequent generations. What the American Dream has become is a enquiry under constant discussion, and some believe that it has led to an emphasis on material wealth as a measure of success and/or happiness. The American dream is a dream of having 2 children and living in a perfect house with financial security. This ideal is closely related to Horatio Algerism. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_dreamIn the play Death of a Salesman, dreams are discussed and shown in many different ways throughout the play. There are dreams that happen during ones sleep, commits and ambition casing dreams, day dreams, fantasies and national/cultural dreams. In this play all are explored, and the national dream focused on is The American Dream. Dreams in this play bucket along the characters reac tions and actions they also affect the way the play is structured and explain behaviour of both the past and present.The play is unusually structured there are no scenes just three main sections, Act 1, Act 2 and the Requiem. Within Act 1 and Act 2, there are several dreams and possibly flashbacks only when the audience is unaware of what is real or not. The American Dream features in the play merely not informing the audience that The American Dream is what it is partially focusing on. On page 82, Biff says Weve been talking in a dream for fifteen years. First of all the reader thinks hes axiom hes been taking in the dream for 15 years tho reading the sentence over we see talking.The reader thinks that it means the American dream, and at this point in the play Biff realises himself and his family has been trying to live this dream but are unsuccessful. The American Dreams is partly to do with status and having the dress hat of everything. It also focuses on popularity, succes s, ownership, wealth and your house and objects within it. The American Dream is linked to capitalism and consumer culture, which is when we are sold items we dont really need. This is a symbol of success and if you can afford these luxury items they are a fall back for your family.When someone dies their family receives insurance, not only life insurance but also insurance for the object used in the death, for instance a car. This is all part of Willys plan to make his family more wealthy. Willy is scared of become an middling man, which in those days was a man that can no longer afford the luxury items that Willy possesses, when Linda is talking to Biff on page 44 she says Willy Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. Hes not the finest character that has ever lived.But hes a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. This shows the reader that Linda knows about Willys depression and that she knows he is becoming and has a fear of becoming a typical, ordinary man. This is not what Willy wants or wanted at all, Willy wanted to be well known slightly the country and great, successful. The depression that Willy held may have been caused by the lack of positive attention, his lack of progress in his job or his fear of becoming this ordinary man that he never wanted to be.Linda also knows that in his last months or weeks, herself and her sons need to make up to Willy and give him the most positive attention that they can. On page 44 Linda says Attention, attention must be finally paid to such a person. This is also evidence to conjure up Willys want for death. Willy is not progressing at all in his job, his ex boss son is now at the top of his career ladder but Willy, still near the bottom should have retired. But his dreams and passion to become rich and successful meant that he forced himself to carry on working and hope that one day these dreams will be fulfilled.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Dragon Rises: China’s Growing Economy

chinaware, both as a race and as a geographical place, is a something that the world cannot ignore. The size and population of the country is formid suitable, and as such, chinawares recent economic reforms discombobulate called the attention of global market. In just a span of over two decades, china was able to turn its economy around and currently, stands among the worlds major economic forces. (Hui 2003) Its suppuration has been phenomenal and is tranquilize growing at an unprecedented pace. In the past twenty years, china has been able to increase its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by four times, and at once is recognized as a global economic power. china has quickly worked its way up in the global economic scene and currently stands in the sixth position of the top trading countries of the world. These events have also lead to the influx of foreign investors which leads to even much growth. (Pei 2007) Experts believe that Chinas possible is as large and wide as its ph ysical size and population. (Wanwen 2003) The ebbs and ties of Chinas economy have been directly related to the sociological changes that it has been going done, in particular in its more recent account.As such, this paper intends to look at how these sociological events have been instrumental in creating the China that we know today and how its history as a nation continues to shape its peoples collective and individual destiny. In terms of our collective history, China has always been a major world front, not just in terms of economy, but more so in terms of the legacies that the Chinese civilization has given to us. However, whatever presence that China has had over the course of its history has been obscured by internal conflicts and divisiveness which resulted in China falling to communist rule.Distracted by domestic conflicts and territorial disputes, China failed to keep pace with the Industrial Revolution that swept Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. China fell to o far behind and was unable to recover. When the last-place of its emperors fell, China was left to languish in the shadow of communism which was at its height during Mao Zedongs rule. (Pei 2007) The failure of communism to provide a collapse life for the Chinese sowed the seeds of discontent. Chinas communist government initiated a series socioeconomic policies that brought more suffering to the people, and an already stumbling country to its knees.Maos Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution left what is left of China in ruins. (Mackerras, 2001) After barely half a century of communism, China was ready for a change. When Zedong and his first-generation Chinese communist hardliners died, they were replaced by Deng Xiaoping, a more liberal ruler who laid the foundations for political and societal reforms, which in turn created an surround more conducive to economic growth. As a night club, China was gradually emerging from its isolationist and repressive communist past with a government more cognizant of the need for change and openness.In 1979, after decades of isolation, China opened its doors to foreign investors. This was a turning point in the countrys economy. The wondrous size of Chinas population, as well as its cheap labor costs made it a haven for production. (Wang 2003) Soon, other multinational lineagees followed suit, realizing the cost- prepareiveness of manufacturing in China, and the country never looked back since then. Of course, the act of opening China for foreign investments would not have been successful without the creation of more liberal policies that made China attractive to businesses.The government began laying the foundations that would encourage a more market-oriented economy, date principal(prenominal)taining a tight political structure that characterized its socialist orientation. Aside from allowing foreign business to operate in China, these social and economic reforms also included the privatization of agricultural l ands. The change from communal farming to individual operations allowed farmers more freedom in so far as the production of their crops is concerned. Mackerras, 2001) More authority and responsibility were passed on from the central government to local officials, who in turn created an environment that back up backyard business to develop and flourish. (Wang 2003)Indeed, these massive and sweeping reforms have been successful in effecting the desired changes in China. However, Xiaoping and his followers have been keen to emphasize that the liberalization of society and economy as well as the easing of institutionalized control structures were done not so much to abandon socialism, but to improve it. Tianyu 2003) The Chinese, while eager to embrace change, is more reluctant to admit that socialism is wrong. In the end, the main goal of these reforms was to create a strong socialist country through democratization and modernization of society. The main tenet was that rather than stru ggle with the West, socialist China had better chances at proving its worth by cooperating with the West, through common economic interests. (Tianyu 2003) China was able to benefit from the initial attempts at reforms made by the European socialists, primarily the Soviet Union and Poland.Coming after their heels, China was able to learn from the mistakes their predecessors have made. China was able to maintain a strong centralized government, while allowing for the decentralization of economic functions. (Tianyu 2003) These societal and economic reforms continued intense from the late 1970s until the early 1990s when China was ready to enter the second phase of its reform campaign. In 1993, Deng Xiaoping announced Chinas main goal that of becoming a socialist market economy. (qtd. n Wang 2003) After successfully laying down the necessary social and legal infrastructures for a free-market, China was now ready to stake its claim in the global market stage. The main characteristic of this second phase revolved around the gradual transfigure from a planned or constructed economy to one that is more spontaneous and free-flowing. (Wang 2003) Privately owned business flourished, alongside foreign businesses. The goal was to advance the growth and penetrate the global arena. In 2001, China marked a milestone with its acceptance in the World Trade Organization (WTO).Finally, the global recognition China has been yearning for has been given, and it was well worth the long wait. By 2003, the third wave of reforms was laid out, with the main goal of creating a stable socialist market economy by 2010 and a perfect socialist market economy by 2020. (qtd. in Wang 2003) The goals are indeed lofty, and while much still remains to be done, it is apparent that China is on the right track, based on the sustained growth the country has been experiencing as of late.Indeed, the social changes that have been put in effect in China have resulted in the economic growth and political power that the country enjoys in the world community. Had China remained a repressed and uninvolved society, it would still be trapped in the chaos and darkness of its communist past. Of course that is not to say that these changes did not come at a heavy(p) price. Some sacrifices had to be made, and none of them were easy to do. The modern Chinese society that is modern and liberal was built upon the sacrifices of those who were willing to risk their lives in order to assume for change.Also, while the economy of China is generally healthy, it does not mean that every Chinese individual is experiencing this prosperity. These changes have also created an imbalance in society, where people in urbanized areas enjoying a better standard of living than people living in rural, undeveloped areas of the country. This inequality must be addressed by the Chinese government if it is to be successful in achieving the goals that it has set for itself. In the final analysis, the liberalizatio n of China has been a long time coming.For so long it has languished downstairs ineffective and cruel governments and an oppressive society that has no respect for the individual a society that China has created for itself. Albeit belatedly, China has now come to its senses and has woken itself up. The winds of change have blown over this great country, awakening the dragon that has been sleeping for so long. For better or for worse, the rising of the dragon is completed and for China, there is no face back.ReferencesHui, Q. (2003). The Issues of the Chinese Economy Changing Tracks, Social Justice, and Democratization at the Turn of the Century. Chinese Economy, tawdriness 36, Number 2. pp. 21-89.Lin, Y. (2000). State and Markets under Chinas shift Rethinking Chinas Economic Transformation. Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 29, No. 4. pp. 608-613.Mackerras, C. (2001). The New Cambridge Handbook of Contemporary China. Cambridge University Press.Pei, M. (2007) Changing State-Society Re lations in China. Retrieved on November 28, 2007 from http//, C. (2003). The Theory and Practice of the Chinese Path. Chinese Economy, Volume 36, Number 4. pp. 67-98.Wang, J. (2003) China and the World Economy. CIEBS. Retrieved on November 28, 2007 from http//, C. (2003) Globalization and Economic Development. Chinese Economy, Volume 36, Number 1. pp. 48-88.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hippies and the Revolution of a Culture Essay

Tune In, Turn On, and Drop Out was the motto of the hippie movement, a significant countercultural phenomenon in the 1960s and early seventies that grew partially out of young Americas festering disillusionment with U.S. booking in the Vietnam struggle. Hippies were mainly white teenagers and young adults who shared a hatred and distrust to fightds traditional middle-class values and authority. They rejected political and social orthodoxies but embraced aspects of Eastern religions, particularly Buddhism. Many hippies also apothegm hallucinogenic drugs, such as marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), as the key to escaping the ties of society and expanding their individual consciousness.The immediate precursor to the hippies was the so-called queer Generation of the late 1950s, including the poet Allen Ginsberg, who became a hippie hero. But where the coolly intellectual, black-clad beats tended to keep a low profile and stay out of politics, the hippies were cognize as much for their political outspokenness as for their long hair and colorful psychoactive clothing. Their opposition to the Vietnam War became 1 of the most significant aspects of the growth antiwar movement throughout the latter half of the 1960s.To express their take issues, and to turn on others, the hippies used art, street theater and particularly harmony. Folk music and psychotropic rock-the Beatles album Sergeant Peppers L championly Hearts Club Band was a prime example-were both crucial aspects of hippie culture. This culture reached its c peace in the summer of 1967, when a concert in San Franciscos Golden Gate Park kicked off the start of the so-called Summer of Love. The event introduced the music and aesthetic of the hippies to a wider audience and inspired thousands of young bulk around the country to head to San Francisco, some wearing flowers in their hair, a fibre to Scott McKenzies version of the privy Phillips song San Francisco, a ubiquitous hit and a kin d of hippie theme song. In 1969, more than 500,000 people go to the Woodstock Music and Art Festival in Bethel, New York, an event that for many epitomized the best aspects of the hippie movement.There was a dark side to hippie culture, however, and it went beyond the panicked disapproval expressed by conservatives about the immorality of the hippie way of life. A Time magazine article in 1967 quoted San Franciscos universe health director as saying that the city was paying $35,000 per month for treatment for drug abuse for the citys 10,000 hippies. To Joan Didion, who wrote about her time in San Francisco for her acclaimed 1968 essay Slouching Towards Bethlehem, the hippies were missing children who were the most conclusive proof that the center was not holding in American society. To the hippies, their behavior was the one truly honest reaction to the oppressive forces of consumerism, imperialism and militarism embodied by America in the 1960s.By the mid-1970s, the hippie movem ent was on the wane, though many aspects of its culture-particularly music and fashion-had worked their way into mainstream society. The fraught(p) atmosphere of the 1960s that had created the hippie counterculture no longer existed, particularly aft(prenominal) the Vietnam War ended, and with the advent of punk and disco music the earnest hippies were ofttimes seen as ridiculous. Still, their ideals of peace, love and community became the enduring legacy of the hippie movement, and even today there are a few neo-hippies to be found on college campuses and communes across the country and around the world.The Tet OffensiveThe Tet Offensive was a large-scale series of battles launched by the Vietnamese Communists (or Viet Cong) against American and South Vietnamese troops during the Vietnam War that resulted in both a military failure and a psychological victory for the Communists. The multi-part campaign was cognize as Tet because it was scheduled to start on January 31, 1968, th e Vietnamese New Year holiday known as Tet. As a diversionary tactic, North Vietnamese units attacked the Marine base at Khe Sahn shortly forwards Tet and approximately 50,000 U.S. and South Vietnamese forces were involved in defending the base and other sites nearby. Subsequently, the Americans and South Vietnamese were surprised by the Tet Offensive, in which over blow cities and towns and several dozen airfields and bases throughout South Vietnam were attacked.However, the U.S. and its ally quickly fought back and the Viet Cong, who suffered massive casualties, were unable to hold most of the captured territory for long. In the get together States, people were stunned by the intensity and general nature of the attacks. Graphic images of the fighting were shown on American television and for the first time, criticism of the war mounted on a national scale. General William Westmoreland, commander of U.S. military operations in Vietnam, requested over 200,000 more troops, believ ing it would be possible for the U.S. to finally skip over out the enemy in their weakened condition.However, President Lyndon B. Johnsons new defense secretary, Clark Clifford, convinced the president to reject Westmorelands request and in March 1968, Johnson stated that the United States was committed to a de-escalation of the conflict. Johnson also denote he would not seek a second term as president. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese launched additional Tet campaigns in May and sumptuous of that same year. American combat units finally withdrew from Vietnam in 1973 and South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam in 1975.Vietnam War ProtestsOpposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War began slowly but grew steadily throughout the second half of the 1960s, eventually becoming the largest and most powerful anti-war movement in American history. By the time U.S. planes began regular bombings of North Vietnam in February 1965, liberal public opinion had begun to question the gove rnments assertion that it was fighting a classless war to liberate the South Vietnamese people from Communist aggression. The anti-war movement then began in earnest, mostly on college campuses, as members of the leftist organization Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) began organizing teach-ins to express their opposition to the way in which it was being conducted.Though the vast majority of the American population still supported the establishment policy in Vietnam, a small but outspoken liberal minority was making its voice heard by the end of 1965. This minority include many students as salutary as prominent artists and intellectuals and members of the hippie movement, a growing number of young people who rejected authority and embraced the drug culture. By the end of 1967, the Vietnam War was costing the U.S. some $25 billion per year, and disillusionment was beginning to reach greater sections of the taxpaying public. More casualties were reported in Vietnam any day, ev en as U.S. commanders demanded more troops. Under the draft system, as many as 40,000 young men were called into service each month, adding fuel to the bang of the anti-war movement. hulk boxer Muhammad Ali was one of the more prominent Americans who resisted the draft system, declaring himself a conscientious objector and earning a prison sentence (later overturned) and a three-year ban from boxing. On October 21, 1967, one of the most prominent anti-war demonstrations took place, as some 100,000 protesters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial 30,000 of them continued in a march on the Pentagon later that night. afterwardsward a brutal confrontation with the soldiers and U.S. Marshals protecting the building, hundreds of demonstrators were arrested. One of them was the author Norman Mailer, who chronicled the events in his The Armies famous book of the Night, published the following year to widespread acclaim.By early February 1968, a Gallup poll showed only 35 percent of the popula tion approved of Johnsons handling of the war and 50 percent disapproved (the rest had no opinion). Joining the anti-war demonstrations by this time were members of the organization Vietnam Veterans Against the War, many of whom were in wheelchairs and on crutches. The sight of these men on television throwing away the medals they had won during the war did much to win people over to the anti-war cause. After many New Hampshire primary voters rallied behind the anti-war Democrat Eugene McCarthy, Johnson announced that he would not seek reelection. misdeed President Hubert Humphrey accepted the Democratic nomination in August in clams, and 10,000 anti-war demonstrators showed up outside the convention building, clashing with security forces assembled by Mayor Richard Daley.Humphrey woolly the 1968 presidential election to Richard M. Nixon, who had promised in his campaign to deal with the extreme elements of the population-namely the radicals and the hippies-more effectively than Johnson had. Nixons war policies divided the nation still further In celestial latitude 1969, the government instituted the first U.S. draft lottery since World War II, inciting a vast amount of controversy and causing many young men to lam to Canada to avoid conscription.Tensions ran higher than ever, spurred on by mass demonstrations and incidents of official violence such those at Kent State in May 1970, when National Guard troops shot into a chemical group of protesters demonstrating against the U.S. invasion of Cambodia, killing four students. By the time the war finally ended, after North Vietnamese troops captured Saigon in 1975, the plaintive anti-war slogan What are we fighting for? seemed a prophecy come true, as veterans returned home from Vietnam to find their own nation still bitterly divided.My Lai assassinateOn March 16, 1968, a group of U.S. soldiers attacked the South Vietnamese village of My Lai, believed to be a Communist stronghold, and killed between 175 and 400 urbaneians as well as committing rape and other crimes. U.S. helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson and two crewmen, who were flying a reconnaissance mission over My Lai, saw the dead bodies and stopped to investigate. In the process, they managed to rescue a group of Vietnamese civilians from American troops.Although Thompson reported the incident to his superiors, the American public didnt learn about it until over a year later, after a former soldier named Ronald L. Ridenhour wrote letters about what happened at My Lai to President Richard Nixon and other government officials. Ridenhour had found out about the events a month after they occurred from soldiers who were there. The Army eventually launched an investigation that led to the conviction of platoon leader Lt. William L. Calley, Jr., for the murder of 22 unarmed men, women and children. In 1971, Calley was sentenced to life in prison, which was later reduced to 10 years. Ultimately, he served three years under house arrest.Th e My Lai massacre left many Americans further disillusioned about the Vietnam War. People were horrified that U.S. soldiers had committed atrocities against indigent civilians and were angered at the potential military cover-up, as well as the fact that Lt. Calley was the only person convicted for the murders.Music and HippiesThe American music flick during the first part of the 1960s was dominated by male vocalists such as Elvis Presley, Motown artists like Diana Ross & The Supremes and folk performers such as Bob Dylan with their acoustic-based protest songs. By the mid-1960s, though, psychedelic rock had taken root as an intrinsic part of the growing hippie movement.The Flower occasion generation was interested in freedom and self-expression and the kind of mind-altering experiences that could be achieved through the use of psychedelic drugs such as marijuana and LSD. Psychedelic rock, which often used electronic hold out effects and was sometimes influenced by music from Ind ia, attempted to recreate and enhance the feelings resulting from hallucinogenic drug use. Groups including Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin and Big Brother & the Holding ships company were pioneers of psychedelic rock. They all lived in San Franciscos Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, which became the epicenter of the hippie scene.The Beatles were at the height of their popularity throughout the 1960s. After bursting onto the scene in their native England in 1962, the slew made its first appearance on American television in 1964, on The Ed Sullivan Show, and generated a massive audience. By the second half of the decade, the ties pop rock sound had become more experimental and psychedelic. In June 1967, the Beatles released their eighth album, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band, considered one of the most important records in rock history. Many of the albums hit songs, such as With a Little Help From My Friends and Lucy in the jactitate with Diamonds were alle gedly filled with drug references.One non-musician who was an important part of the 60s music scene was concert promoter Bill Graham, whose San Francisco auditorium, The Fillmore, became a major venue for psychedelic rock groups such as Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Grateful Dead and Big Brother & the Holding Company, among others. In 1968, Graham opened the Fillmore East, which became a face for counterculture musicians in New York urban center. In June 1967, the Monterey International Pop Music Festival, the first widely promoted rock fest, took place in California. Over 200,000 people attended the event, considered a highlight of San Franciscos Summer of Love.Jimi Hendrix and The Who made their first big U.S. performances at the festival, which also showcased performers such as Janis Joplin, Otis Redding and Ravi Shankar. John Phillips of the Mamas & the Papas, who helped organize the festival, wrote a song, think as a fest advertisement, called San Fr ancisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair). Sung by Scott McKenzie, San Francisco became a Flower Power anthem.Monterey was a precursor to the Woodstock Festival, which took place in August 1969 on a 600-acre farm in Bethel, New York. An estimated half a million young people turned up for the event, which featured the key musicians of the time, including Hendrix, Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, The Who, Joan Baez, sly and the Family Stone and Crosby, and Stills Nash & Young, among others. Woodstock later came to be viewed as one of the ultimate events of the hippie era.1968 Olympic Games in Mexico CityControversy surrounded the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City before the Games even began. Athletes were concerned about Mexico Citys high altitude and thin air. Human rights activists were outraged when the Mexican military opened fire on thousands of college students during a campus protest in Mexico City shortly before the opening of the XIX Olympiad. After the Games began, one of the most notable events was the Black Power salute by two African-American athletes during their medal ceremony.On October 16, 1968, Tommie Smith, the gold medal winner in the mens 200-meter race, and his team member John Carlos, the bronze medalist in the same event, stepped up to the podium shoeless and wearing black socks, civil rights buttons and one black glove each. The lack of shoes and black socks were meant to symbolize poverty among African Americans. When The Star Spangled Banner was played, Smith and Carlos bowed their heads and each raised a fist in the air, in a gesture of protest against racism in America. Australian Peter Norman, the 200-meter silver medalist, wore a human rights badge on the podium as a sign of solidarity.International Olympic Committee President Avery Brundage, who believed the political gesture was inappropriate for the Olympic Games, an event meant to be free of politics, suspended Smith and Carlos from the U.S. confidential information and Fi eld team and barred them from the Olympic Village. Back home in America, Smith and Carlos faced criticism and even death threats for their actions. However, others praised the men, both of whom went on to have from San Jose State, play professional football and later become track coaches.Robert F. KennedyRobert Francis Kennedy, the crusading U.S. attorney general, senator from New York and presidential candidate, was instrumental in helping protect and shape civil rights law in America during the 1960s. Kennedy, born November 20, 1925, in Brookline, Massachusetts, attended Harvard University and University of Virginia Law School and served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He served as U.S. attorney general during the presidential administration (1961-63) of his elder brother John F. Kennedy.As attorney general, Bobby Kennedy championed social justice causes and later helped draft the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Kennedy announced his presidential candidacy in March 1968 and spok e out against urban poverty and the Vietnam War during his short-lived campaign. In the early hours of June 5, 1968, after giving a speech to his supporters at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Kennedy, a father of 11, was shot by Palestinian immi assignment Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Kennedy died the next day and was buried near John F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetery.Democratic National ConventionPolitics turned violent when local police clashed with anti-war demonstrators and journalists at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, which took place in Chicago from August 26 to August 29. The convention, held to select a Democratic nominee for the U.S. presidency, occurred during an already tumultuous year that had seen the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, as well as growing disillusionment with the Vietnam War by many Americans. During the convention, Democrats were divided over Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy, an anti-war candidate, and Vic e President Hubert Humphrey, who was associated with President Lyndon Johnsons Vietnam War policies. In a symbolical gesture, political activist Abbie Hoffman and his fellow Yippies nominated a pig called Mr. Pigasus for commander-in-chief.Humphrey won the nomination, but would go on to lose in the general election to republican Richard Nixon. Following the convention, Democrats instituted reforms in the nomination process which overhauled the methods for delegation selection and put greater emphasis on primaries. hicago Mayor Richard Daley, a powerful, hardheaded figure known to dislike hippies, vowed to use whatever means necessary to control the crowds of demonstrators who had threatened to shut down the convention. Daley ordered a large police presence, instituted an 11 p.m. curfew and refused to grant permits for rallies and marches.The police took an aggressive stance, attacking and clubbing protestors and journalists on a nightly basis outside the convention hall and in nearb y Lincoln and concede parks. The violence was broadcast on national television, stunning Americans and leaving a black mark on the city of Chicago. Remarkably, no one was killed. A group of protestors that included Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden and Black Panther Bobby Seale and became known as the Chicago Eight, were arrested and charged with conspiracy to incite a riot. The men, later referred to as the Chicago sevensome when Seale was tried separately, were ultimately acquitted or had their convictions overturned.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Current Events in Business Research

Current Events in blood search Lisa Andrews reticuloendothelial system/351 September 10, 2012 Julie Bonner Current Events in Business Research The business research process is about learning everything there is to know about an organization, the consumers, competitors and the trade. The main points atomic number 18 trying to figure what products or services to offer, what consumers be likely to buy them, the region as to where to sell or buy them, and lastly the pricing. By hobby the important steps of business research a company is able to achieve these objectives. Business research was apply in the phalanx but in different ways. Is this a header?Or the incoming to the paragraph? In any event, avoid having one sentence paragraphs Identifying Competitors The mission of the military when it comes to new soldiers is to commit and retain quality soldiers. For instance the Army (the outgrowth I was enlisted in) is facing tough competition when trying to maintain or attractin g recruits and enlisted personal of all components and ranks. This is collectible to the low momentum of the recruiting efforts and potential recruits and that is why they are offering enlist or re-enlistment bonuses which is a financial fillip that is not given in the civilian hiring world.Since, the real world is their true competitors. Good business to dissect Studying Customers The needs and wants of the new recruits and re- enlistment are very essential. So before initiating these incentive programs, I believe that the military would have to chip in what the needs and wants are of enlist and re-enlistments. An essential point, just like a product is to make au then(prenominal)tic that when taking on this challenge that the solders needs are met in this process. That is why primary research is essential before making a decision on what works and what dont work.The other Business Research Process includes SWOT analysis, Studying the main audience, and lastly the application . Briefly what these state is that once the luxuriant information is collected then an analysis is used to study the opportunities, weakness and strengths of the incentive, and the possible threats that might arise. The threat to the military is number, the retention of soldiers. Then, once this process is done, and then term devoted to studying the research should drop dead into place.The recruiters then will need to seek out of the recruits and re-reenlistment that will respond positive to the incentives. This research tramp entail male versus female or ages (age) groups. This takes time and a lot of research. Finally, if the steps are taking properly, they can be very effective if the military uses them properly. This is a process that is a constant dense work. WAR, time, people, lifestyles, finances, etcchange constantly that is why it is imperative that the military conduct business research throughout the year. handsome work Just a few well-formed items to watch out for next time Grade = 95%Current Events in Business ResearchCurrent Events in Business Research Lisa Andrews RES/351 September 10, 2012 Julie Bonner Current Events in Business Research The business research process is about learning everything there is to know about an organization, the consumers, competitors and the trade. The main points are trying to figure what products or services to offer, what consumers are likely to buy them, the region as to where to sell or buy them, and lastly the pricing. By following the important steps of business research a company is able to achieve these objectives. Business research was used in the military but in different ways. Is this a header?Or the Introduction to the paragraph? In any event, avoid having one sentence paragraphs Identifying Competitors The mission of the military when it comes to new soldiers is to attract and retain quality soldiers. For instance the Army (the branch I was enlisted in) is facing tough competition when trying to maintain or attracting recruits and enlisted personal of all components and ranks. This is due to the low momentum of the recruiting efforts and potential recruits and that is why they are offering enlist or re-enlistment bonuses which is a financial incentive that is not given in the civilian hiring world.Since, the real world is their true competitors. Good problem to dissect Studying Customers The needs and wants of the new recruits and re- enlistment are very essential. So before initiating these incentive programs, I believe that the military would have to establish what the needs and wants are of enlist and re-enlistments. An essential point, just like a product is to make sure that when taking on this challenge that the solders needs are met in this process. That is why primary research is essential before making a decision on what works and what dont work.The other Business Research Process includes SWOT analysis, Studying the main audience, and lastly the application. Bri efly what these state is that once the detailed information is collected then an analysis is used to study the opportunities, weakness and strengths of the incentive, and the possible threats that might arise. The threat to the military is number, the retention of soldiers. Then, once this process is done, and then time devoted to studying the research should fall into place.The recruiters then will need to seek out of the recruits and re-reenlistment that will respond positive to the incentives. This research can entail male versus female or ages (age) groups. This takes time and a lot of research. Finally, if the steps are taking properly, they can be very effective if the military uses them properly. This is a process that is a constant hard work. WAR, time, people, lifestyles, finances, etcchange constantly that is why it is imperative that the military conduct business research throughout the year. Nice work Just a few grammatical items to watch out for next time Grade = 95%

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Assess the usefulness of official statistics Essay

Official statistics are a seed of secondary data. The government produces them. thither are both hard and soft statistics. Hard statistics include birth, death and marriage rates. These are registered when they advance by law, so these statistics are entirely objective. Another type of official statistic is c anyed soft statistics, e. g. curse statistics & unemployment figures. These great power not seem as objective as they first seem. They are open to manipulation for governmental ends, and can be considered to have a political use.For example, the methods used to measure unemployment have been changed over 20 times, because not everyone without a job counts as unemployed. Official statistics are mainly used for the study of demography, inflation, crime and deviance, unemployment, poverty and suicide. For an example Emile Durkheim, regarded as the founding father of sociology, used official suicide statistics for his suicide study. He used them to find correlations and casual relations and identified four different types of suicide, egoistic suicide, anomic suicide, unselfish suicide and fatalistic suicide.Durkheim used positivists methods to conduct his study. Positivists believe that quantitative data is the about reliable method to gather information as the data is compiled in a standardised way. Douglas, an Interpretivist, would protest with Durkheims positivist methods. He says that official statistics are not valid. To determine a death it is up to the interpretations and decisions of the coroner and that statistics are nothing more than a social construct.Atkinson, also and Interpretivists says that it is impossible for coroners to objectively classify suicides because their decision is based on a commonsense theory of suicide which is based on whether there is a suicide note, the method of death, the location and the deceaseds life history and so on When adapting quantitative methodological procedures to derive specific data, official statist ics is often used as a source of sociological evidence to simply enhance or complement practical research methods.However when flavour at what is gained from the use of official statistics, it is important to recognize the limitations, which serve as a major downside to develop and attaining an unquestionable and flawless research. In addition, not all documents are easily available e. g. the Black theme (1980) which identified inequalities in healthcare, was released in very select circumstances. Not all secondary data elapse us a valid, true and detailed picture of what is being measured, not just official statistics.Diaries/e-mails, it could be possible that the author lied or exaggerated about their activities Also, a document may not be reliable. Public documents are likely to be higher in terms of reliability than hugger-mugger documents like letters and personal documents such as diaries and e-mails data may be fake or unrepresentative. In conclusion, official statistics can be very useful in sociological research. Nearly all secondary data cant be trusted and official statistics might be the only appropriate form of research for your topic.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Of Mice and Men: John Steinbeck Essay

Task Say what happens on each of the three times we Curleys married cleaning lady and what we learn about her.Curleys married wo reality exclusively appears three times throughout Of Mice and Men, so far though she is a polar character in the story. The three times she appears argon all splendid parts in the book, but are key snaps. They give us clues about her appearance, character and an cortical potential into her life in front she married Curley. The final time we see her is the vital horizon where the plot comes to tieher.The prototypic time we see Curleys married woman is chapter 2, where she visits the bunk family unit. Curleys married woman enters the bunkhouse where Lennie and George are unpacking and George is telling Lennie where to go if he gets into trouble. Curleys married woman comes in tone for her preserve she stands in the doorway provocatively trying to get assistance from Lennie and George. George ignores Curleys wife, k straightawaying what she is tr ying to do, but Lennie is instantly besotted with her. After Curleys wife doesnt get very far with Lennie and George she turns her attention to Slim and leaves the bunkhouse.This is however a short barb in the book, but we still learn a lot about Curleys wife. The fact that she is only ever so referred to as Curleys wife suggests that she is only ever seen as the possession of Curleys and has no individuality of her own. We learn that she has full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her hair was hung in little rolled clusters, standardised sausages. The part about her hair could be taken as an insult about her appearance and that she has failed in making herself attractive. She is descried as wearing mown(prenominal)ly red rouged lips, fingernails were red, red mules with little bouquets of red ostrich feathers which could be interpreted as a tint of danger or a sexual colour which she uses to form attention from the ranch hands. Curleys wife strives for atten tion by always wearing a lot of make-up and bright clothing she gets the attention she craves so much.Because Curleys wife is the only woman on the ranch she has no some other women to walk to or be friends with and is therefore seen as a sexual object by the ranch hands. She uses this sexual image the ranch hands acquire of her to gain attention. Her body language suggests that she flirts provocatively her body was thrown forward, showin her legs. Her voice was said to have a brittle quality, which could imply that she is as so brittle herself, easily broken or venerable. Because Curleys wife cannot get by from the sexual image that the other men have of her she uses it as a means of getting the attention she lacks. It is shown this scene that she doesnt have a good relationship with Curley, because withal though she says she is looking for Curley, when she is told where he is she looks apprehensive and rushes back to the bunkhouse as if she would be in trouble if she were not there.Also in this scene shows us that she is alone(p) and wants someone to call down to because when George answers her brusquely she still stays there and tries to talk to them. After she has gone George speaks of her despairingly bitch, piece of jail bait meaning that she has failed to run him. This scene is like a prediction of what will happen later on in the story, before Curley wife comes into the bunkhouse George is telling Lennie where to go if he gets into trouble, then Curleys wife walks in. This could be an indication that she is or has something to do with what gets Lennie into trouble. Over all in this scene we find out that Curleys wife is lonely, pretty, flirty, frightened of her economize and is seen as a possession of Curleys.The second time we see Curleys wife is in chapter 4. This scene is where we see Curleys wife visit Crooks room, gathered there are all the misfits on the ranch. They have been left behind while everyone else has on into town for the night . These people are left behind because they are misfits i.e. are not a young healthy white male. Crooks is black and is crippled, Candy is old and crippled, Lennie has sockledge disabilities (seen as being thick) and Curleys wife is a woman. Candy, Lennie and Crooks are discussing the plans for the farm they are going to own, when Curleys wife comes in looking for Curley.Candy and crooks want Curleys wife to leave so the wear upont get into trouble, but she persists in trying to talk to them. She asks them if they know what happened to Curleys hand until now though she all ready has worked out what has happened. When Crooks tells her to leave or hell tell the boss not to let her in the atomic number 5 any more she becomes angry and tells him not to open his mouth, she threatens that if he pane of glass she will get him strung up on a tree. Curleys wife only leaves when she thinks the other ranch hands including, Curley have come back from town.Again in this scene we are shown that Curleys wife is a very lonely person and only wants someone to talk to well, I aint givin you no trouble. Think I dont like to talk to somebody everonce in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time. She is also over again shown to use her appearance to get attention, Her face was heavily made up. Her lips were slightly parted. She breathed strongly, as though she had been running. Curleys wife shows discontent in the life that she has now and a great dislike for her husband Curley, Sure I gotta husban. You all seen him. Swell guy aint he?, Im glad you bust up Curley a little bit. He got it comin to him. Sometimes Id like to bust him myself. She has this dislike for Curley because of his failure to satisfy her emotionally. Even though this scene is a gathering of the ranch misfits Curleys wife has a slight advantage everywhere the others.This is because she has a banner social standing as a young white female, she uses this to threaten dominate the other misfits . This happens on several occasions i.e. when she talks down to them You bindle bums and also when Crooks orders her out of his room. By doing this he aggravates him and she attacks him verbally You know what I could do? Well, you keep your place then Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny. Crooks was an easy show for Curleys wife to pick on because he is black. People were prejudiced against ethnic minorities in those age and this made it easy for her to frighten Crooks. In my opinion I think that she took pleasure out of his paroxysm and this particular scene shows a nasty side of her personality.The last time we see Curleys wife is in the barn with Lennie, chapter 5. In this scene all of the men on the ranch except Lennie are outside taking part or are watching a horseshoe tournament. Lennie is in the barn playing with has pup, but accidentally kills it by stroking it too hard. Curleys wife enters the barn because she is lonely and wants someone to talk too. She tries to flirt and impress Lennie by telling him about her life before she met Curley. She only really gets Lennies full attention when he tells her he likes to solidus nice things. When he tells her she invites Lennie to stroke her soft hair, but when Lennies stroking becomes harder, she panics in a effort to stop her panicking and screaming Lennie puts his hand over her mouth, this in turn makes her panic even more. In the end Lennie like with the pup breaks her neck. He half-buries her in the hay and runs off. Candy later finds her body.Even though this is the last time we see Curleys wife we still learn a lot about her and things we already know are reinforced. The fact that Curleys wife is lonely is reinforced again in this scene I get lonely this again makes her crave attention from other people. She attempts to gain Lennies attention in many ways in this scene, one of the ways she tries is by flirting here feel right her. Another way is by playing on her ow n loneliness for sympathy even she shows none for Lennie when he shows her his dead pup. She tries to impress Lennie by telling him about her life before she met Curley She looked closely at Lennie to see whether she was impressing him. Curleys wife shows herself to be impatient and selfish by not letting Lennie tell his story before hers she went on with her story quickly, before she could be interrupted.Again in this scene like the one before she shows a great dislike for Curley. This is because she married Curley only because she was let down by a man who said he could put her in movies, she married Curley so she could get away from home, but this sour out to be a hasty and bad decision for her. Because Curley doesnt give his wife the attention she needs and tries to keep her from the other men on the ranch, she begins to hate Curley and seeks the attention from the other men on the ranch.Curleys wife is also naive and lacks any common sense this is because she believed that the man at the riverbank dance could put her in movies, when it is most probable that he just said it to sleep with her He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Soons he got back to Hollywood he was gonna keep open to me about it I neer got that letter. Also the fact that she let Lennie to stroke her hair after he told her that he killed his pup by stroking it shows that she lacks any common sense. Many of the characters show disdain for Curleys wife they feel that she is a troublemaker. Candy calls her a tart and even when she is dead he says to her you god-damn trampEver body knowed youd mess things up. You wasnt no good. You aint no good now, you lousy tart. In my opinion I think that she deserves pity rather than contempt, because her husband is insensitive, possessive and aggressive.From the three times we see Curleys wife we can say that she is a pivotal character in the story. Because of her hasty marriage to the possessive Curley she has become lonely in her isolation. To try to escape from the loneliness she uses the sexual image the ranch hands have of her to gain attention from other people, even those at the bottom of the social hierarchy. The fact that she is known only as Curleys wife and is never called by her real name by ether the ranch hands or the author shows that she is seen only as a possession and is not treated as an individual.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Character Sketch Story of an Hour

Kayla Silva Mrs. Barrish English IV 31 environ 2010 Character Sketch Some people believe that marriage is bliss. However that is not the case. In fib of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard I treated wrongly by her husband Brently Mallard. She is very tired of being tolerate she wishes her life would end. When finally getting her life back together she wanting to stand firm it long still instead it ends short still. Mrs. Mallard is very totality luxuriant, apt, and then shocked. Mrs. Mallard has been very heart troubled through her marriage.She is so deeply in fuck with Brently but not once did he love back to her. All he ever does is hurt her. Her family sees that they are not one big happy couple. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her infants are. Mrs. Mallard now is happy when told by her child that her husband has partd. Though her family members believe that she is crying because she is hurt. Now Mrs. Mallard will be able to live her life the way she wants it. In stead of being shut down and treated wrongly.Its says She looks out house die her house where its new spring life. That means that it is no longer darkness for her. Mrs. Mallard is very heart troubled from being hurt from her husband to be she is happy cause he is now gone(a) and then shocked again. When she found out that he was all of a sudden she goes to her room and sheds tears of happiness. After her sister finally gets here to come down stairs Brently walks in. Being so shocked to realizes hes not dead after all she dies of what the say is heart diease.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Climate Change Term Paper

INTRODUCTIONClimate tilt is a signifi after partt and lasting change in the statistical distribution of run patterns all over periods ranging from decades to cardinals of years. It whitethorn be a change in mediocre out abide conditions or the distribution of events around that average (e.g., more or hardly a(prenominal)er extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region or may make out across the whole Earth.The most(prenominal) general definition of modality change is a change in the statistical properties of the mood system when considered over long periods of time, regardless of cause. Accordingly, fluctuations over periods shorter than a few decades, much(prenominal) as El Nio, do non represent clime change.The term some clock is used to refer specifically to climate change caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earths natural processes. In this sense, especially in the circumstance o f environmental policy, the term climate change has become synonymous with anthropogenetic global change. Within scientific journals, global calefacient refers to surface temperature increases while climate change involves global warming and everything else that increasing glasshouse gas levels will affect.REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREAccording the Government Environmental Protection Agency webpage http// on the question glossary of climate change terms, factors that good deal shape climate are called climate forcings or forcing mechanisms. These include processes such as variations in solar radiation, deviations in the Earths orbit, mountain-building and Continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. at that place are a variety of climate change feedbacks that can either amplify or flow the initial forcing. Some parts of the climate system, such as the marineics and frost caps, respond slowly in reaction to clima te forcings, while others respond more quickly.From NASA Earth Observatory webpage on the topic Glossary. That natural changes in the comp wholenessnts of earths climate system and their interactions are the cause of familiar climate discrepancy, or internal forcings. Scientists generally define the five components of earths climate system to include Atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere (restricted to the surface soils, rocks, and sediments), and biosphere.Andrew S. Gale, author of the harbour A Milankovitch scale for Cenomanian time on his topic Terra Nova emphasized that s set about variations in Earths orbit withdraw to changes in the oceansonal worker distribution of sunlight reaching the Earths surface and how it is distributed across the globe. There is very poor change to the area-averaged each year averaged sunshine but there can be strong changes in the geographic and oceansonal distribution.The threesome types of orbital variations are variations in Earth s eccentricity, changes in the tilt angle of Earths axis of rotation, and precession of Earths axis. Combined together, these sustain Milankovitch cycles which have a large impact on climate and are leading light for their correlation to wintry and interglacial periods, their correlation with the advance and retreat of the Sahara, and for their seeance in the stratigraphic record.BODYCAUSESOn the broadest scale, the rate at which faculty is received from the sun and the rate at which it is lost to space determine the equilibrium temperature and climate of Earth. This dynamism is distributed around the globe by winds, ocean currents, and other mechanisms to affect the climates of different regions.Factors that can shape climate are called climate forcings or forcing mechanisms. These include processes such as variations in solar radiation, deviations in the Earths orbit, mountain-building and continental drift,and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. There are a variety of climate change feedbacks that can either amplify or diminish the initial forcing. Some parts of the climate system, such as the oceans and ice caps, respond slowly in reaction to climate forcings, while others respond more quickly.Forcing mechanisms can be either internal or external. Internal forcing mechanisms are natural processes within the climate system itself (e.g., the thermohaline circulation). External forcing mechanisms can be either natural (e.g., changes in solar output) or anthropogenic (e.g., increased emissions of greenhouse gases).Ocean variabilityThe ocean is a fundamental part of the climate system, some changes in it occurring at longer timescales than in the atmosphere, massing hundreds of times more and having very high thermal inertia (such as the ocean depths still lagging today in temperature adjustment from the Little Ice Age).Short-term fluctuations (years to a few decades) such as the El Nio-Southern Oscillation, the Pacific decadal oscillation, the Nort h Atlantic oscillation, and the Arctic oscillation, represent climate variability rather than climate change. On longer time scales, alterations to ocean processes such as thermohaline circulation play a key role in redistributing heat by carrying out a very slow and super deep movement of water, and the long-term redistribution of heat in the worlds oceans.Orbital variationsSlight variations in Earths orbit lead to changes in the seasonal distribution of sunlight reaching the Earths surface and how it is distributed across the globe. There is very little change to the area-averaged annually averaged sunshine but there can be strong changes in the geographical and seasonal distribution. The three types of orbital variations are variations in Earths eccentricity, changes in the tilt angle of Earths axis of rotation, and precession of Earths axis. Combined together, these produce Milankovitch cycles which have a large impact on climate and are notable for their correlation to glacial and interglacialperiods, their correlation with the advance and retreat of the Sahara, and for their appearance in the stratigraphic record.Solar outputVariations in solar activity during the last several(prenominal) centuries based on observations of sunspots and beryllium isotopes. The period of extraordinarily few sunspots in the late 17th coulomb was the Maunder Minimum. The sun is the predominant source for energy input to the Earth. Both long- and short-term variations in solar intensity are known to affect global climate.VolcanismIn atmospheric temperature from 1979 to 2010, determined by MSU NASA satellites, effects appear from aerosols released by major volcanic belchs (El Chichn and Pinatubo). El Nio is a separate event, from ocean variability.Volcanic eruptions release gases and particulates into the atmosphere. Eruptions large enough to affect climate occur on average several times per century, and cause cooling (by partially blocking the transmission of solar radiati on to the Earths surface) for a period of a few years. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, the second largest terrestrial eruption of the 20th century (after the 1912 eruption of Novarupta) affected the climate substantially.Global temperatures decreased by about 0.5 C (0.9 F). The eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 caused the socio-economic class Without a Summer. Much larger eruptions, known as large igneous provinces, occur only a few times every hundred million years, but may cause global warming and mass extinctionsPlate tectonicsOver the course of millions of years, the motion of tectonic plates reconfigures global land and ocean areas and generates topography. This can affect both(prenominal) global and local patterns of climate and atmosphere-ocean circulation.The position of the continents determines the geometry of the oceans and therefore influences patterns of ocean circulation. The locations of the seas are important in irresponsible the transfer of heat and moist ure across the globe, and therefore, in determining global climate. A recent modelling of tectonic control on ocean circulation is the formation of the Isthmus of Panama about 5 million years ago, which shut off direct mixing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.Human influencesIn the context of climate variation, anthropogenic factors are human activities which affect the climate. The scientific consensus on climate change is that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities, and it is largely irreversible. Science has made considerable inroads in grounds climate change and its causes, and is beginning to help develop a strong understanding of current and potential impacts that will affect people today and in coming decades.GlaciersGlaciers are considered among the most sensitive indicators of climate change. Their size is determined by a mass balance between black eye input and melt output. As temperatures warm, glaciers retreat unless snow precipitation increases to make up for the additional melt the converse is also true.Glaciers grow and shrink due both to natural variability and external forcings. variant in temperature, precipitation, and englacial and subglacial hydrology can strongly determine the evolution of a glacier in a particular season. Therefore, one must average over a decadal or longer time-scale and/or over a legion(predicate) individual glaciers to smooth out the local short-term variability and obtain a glacier history that is cerebrate to climate.Arctic sea ice lossThe decline in Arctic sea ice, both in extent and thickness, over the last several decades is further evidence for rapid climate change. Sea ice isfrozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface. It covers millions of square miles in the polar regions, varying with the seasons. In the Arctic, some sea ice remains year after year, whereas almost all Southern Ocean or Antarctic sea ice melts away and reforms annually. Sate llite observations show that Arctic sea ice is now declining at a rate of 11.5 percent per decade, relative to the 1979 to 2000 average.VegetationA change in the type, distribution and coverage of vegetation may occur given a change in the climate. Some changes in climate may result in increased precipitation and warmth, resulting in improved plant growth and the subsequent sequestration of airborne CO2. A gradual increase in warmth in a region will lead to earliest flowering and fruiting times, driving a change in the timing of life cycles of dependent organisms. Conversely, ice-cold will cause plant bio-cycles to lag. Larger, faster or more radical changes, however, may result in vegetation stress, rapid plant loss and desertification in certain circumstances.PrecipitationPast precipitation can be estimated in the modern era with the global network of precipitation gauges. Surface coverage over oceans and remote areas is relatively sparse, but, reducing reliance on interpolatio n, satellite data has been available since the 1970s. Quantification of climatological variation of precipitation in previous centuries and epochs is less complete but approximated using proxies such as marine sediments, ice cores, cave stalagmites, and head rings.Sea level changeGlobal sea level change for much of the last century has generally been estimated using tide gauge measurements collated over long periods of time to give a long-term average. More recently, altimeter measurements in combining with accurately determined satellite orbits have provided an improved measurement of global sea level change. To measure sea levels prior to instrumental measurements, scientists have dated coral reefs that grow near the surface of the ocean, coastal sediments, marine terraces, ooids inlimestones, and nearshore archaeological remains. The predominant dating methods used are uranium series and radiocarbon, with cosmogonical radionuclides being sometimes used to date terraces that have experienced relative sea level fall.CONCLUSIONIn light of the contexts of this manuscript, the researcher concluded that global warming refers to surface temperature increases while climate change includes global warming and everything else that increasing greenhouse gas levels will affect. It may be a change in average weather conditions or the distribution of events around that average (e.g., more or fewer extreme weather events).Scientists have made many projections about how global warming will affect weather, glacial ice, sea levels, agriculture, wildlife, and human health. Many changes linked to rising temperatures are already being observed.In a warmer world, scientists point that more people will get sick or die from heat stress, due not only to hotter days but more importantly to warmer nights (giving the sufferers less relief). More frequent and enthusiastic heat waves will further contribute to this trend.Responding to the challenge of controlling global warming wi ll conduct fundamental changes in energy production, transportation, industry, government policies, and development strategies around the world. These changes take time. The challenge today is managing the impacts that cannot be avoided while taking steps to prevent more severe impacts in the future.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Property According to Karl Marx and John Locke Essay

Property, any object or right that asshole be owned. Ownership involves, first and foremost, possession in simple societies to possess something is to own it ( Funk & Wagnalls. 1994). side of meat philosopher, John Locke (1632-1704) believed that the only reason society degenerates to armed conflict and strife is because of a depletion of the essential ingredients of an single(a) or a communitys self-preservation.Those ingredients, according to the Second Treatise include the right to unavowed holding which is grounded in the exercise of the virtues of rationality and industry the caters of government must be separated because virtue is invariably in short supply, but prerogative, which depends on virtue in judgment, must be retained by the executive because of the necessary imperfections of the direct of law and, the right of resistance to illegitimate government presupposes the exercise of breastwork and rational judgment by the people (Locke, 29-34).For Locke, labors mos t valuable function is that it does more(prenominal) than simply define a division between what is clannish and what is public. He believes that it is labor that creates value and turns something that was essentially deservingless into something of worth. For example, Locke presents the opinion that land without labor put into it is scarcely worth anything. He also notes that, genius and the earth furnished only the almost worthless materials as in themselves. It is labor, and thus the laborer that puts the loss of value on everything. Locke answers the question of whether or not a person has a right to vex as over often as he wants. The answer is a simple no As much as anyone can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much he may by his labor fix a home in whatever is beyond this, is more than his share, and belongs to others. Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy. For example, he commented that it is the fetching any part of what is com mon, and removing it out of the state nature leaves it in, which begins the property without which the common is of no use (51). regimen, Locke believed, is a trust of the individual. The purpose of that trust is the security of the individuals person and property, and, perhaps most importantly, that individual has the right to withdraw his or her confidence in the ruling government when the government fails in its task. umpteen of Lockes political ideas, much(prenominal) as those relating to inhering rights, property rights, the duty of the government to protect these rights, and the rule of the majority, were later embodied in the U. S. Constitution. For his time, Lockes vision of labor as the value added to what is naturally occurring was comparatively appropriate. In the 17th century, nothing of value existed without the input of labor. However, as civilization advanced and became more complex, so did issues of value, worth, and compensation.It is difficult to make the neces sary translation of his economic philosophy to forward-looking language and meaning. His views on government, though have lasted centuries, remain appropriate and applicable to this day. In significant contrast, the German-born revolutionary, economist, and founding father of communism, Karl Marx (1818-1883) believed private property in capital goods contravened the nature of the human being person. He based his rejection of such property upon his understanding of the natural law. This research paper was sold by The Paper Store, Inc. of Jackson, New Jersey.Nor could Marx accept a dodging in which property was held by every individual, because the human person does not possess the spiritual strength to get the better of greed for Marx that could only come by reorganizing the model of production. Marxs ultimate goal was to liberate the realness from the evil of acquisitive materialism and lead the human race to a new freedom (Peterson 337). In the Third Manuscript Private Proper ty and Labor by Marx, written during the summer of 1844, he states The inborn total of private property, private property as activity for itself, as subject, as person, is labor.It, therefore, goes without saying that only that political economy which recognized labor as its principle and which therefore no longer regarded private property as nothing more than a condition external to man, can be regarded as both a product of the real energy and drift of private property (it is the independent movement of private property become conscious of itself, it is modern industry as self), a product of modern industry, and a factor which has accelerated and glorified the energy and development of this industry and transformed it into a power belonging to consciousness (Marx PG).He further condemns the private ownership of property and the government that supports such a system by saying . . .the supporters of the monetary and mercantile system, who look upon private property as a purely o bjective being for man, appear as fetish-worshippers, as Catholics, to this enlightened political economy, which has revealed within the system of private property the subjective essence of wealth (Marx PG) He reaches what he considers a logical determination for man himself no longer stands in a singing of external tension to the external essence of private property he himself has become the tense essence of private property.What was formerly being-external-to-oneself, mans material externalization, has now become the act of alienation. Marx described true communism, which is the restoration of man as a social, that is human being. Not only are the relations between human beings restored so is the proper relation between the human being and nature. communism is naturalism, which banishes alien spiritual beings from existence, and therefore humanism as well.The human being once again finds itself at home in the natural world, as that from which it came, and as the bailiwick of its creativity. Marx viewed communism as the negation of the negation (private property being the negation of human nature). Interestingly, he did not declare it as final. Communism is the necessary form and dynamic principle of the immediate future but not as such the goal of human development the goal of human society. Communism is ultimately the positive expression of private property as overcome, said Marx from his controversial days as newspaper writer to his death at age 65. It is a painful irony that the system that evolved into modern communism became the true negation of human nature. In its efforts to maintain the collective the individual was lost. Individual human spirit cannot (apparently) remain lost, hidden, or locked a representation indefinitely.The past twenty years have demonstrated how tentative the hold of communism actually was/is throughout the world. temporary hookup Marx has often been denigrated for his philosophy, it was the perversion of that phil osophy that caused. While the application of Lockes idea of labor as the added worth of human hands shaping the natural world has changed significantly, it is still the philosophy that has most closely resonated to the way in which the greatest number of humans want to be governed.Works Cited Locke, John (1690) Two Treatises of Government Chapter 5 Of Property (http//wiretap. spies. com. /library/classics/ locke2nd. txt) Marx, Karl (April-August, 1844) Third Manuscript Private Property and Labor (. cmn. edu/marx/1844-ep. mauscripts/1-property. labor. txt) Peterson, G. Paul Karl Marx and His stack of Salvation The Natural Law and Private Property, Review of Social Economy 52(3), Fall 1994, pp. 377-90.